How does axonal tau become accumulated in the cell body and dendrites in Alzheimer’s disease? アルツハイマー病の病因タンパク質タウはどのように神経細胞内に蓄積していくの?
Tau (shown in red) is one of the microtubule-associated proteins and specifically localized to the axon (cell body and dendrites shown in green), where it is thought to contribute to the axonal structure and protein trafficking. However, in pathological conditions, such as in Alzheimer’s disease, tau mis-localizes to dendrites and forms aggregates called the neurofibrillary tangles. We investigate the molecular mechanisms that determines the axonal localization in normal and how it is disrupted in diseases.
Impact of ion channel localization in single cell computation. イオンチャネルの局在化は神経細胞の情報処理にどのような重要性を持つの?
Neurons strictly localize a wide variety of ion channels (shown in green) in axons and dendrites to precisely control the propagation and integration of synaptic potentials and action potentials. The major objective of this study is to understand, in molecular terms, the mechanisms that underly specific localizations of ion channels and the importance of localizing ion channels in neuronal computation at the single cell level.
Dynamic regulation of ion channels and its impact on neuronal plasticity. 神経の活動に伴うイオンチャネル機能のダイナミックな制御とその意義
Time-lapse images of Kv2.1 potassium channel tagged with GFP. Glutamate stimulation causes declustering of the channels in neurons.
We have previously discovered dramatic regulatory mechanisms of ion channels by neuronal activity. Since then, it has been recognized that the activity-dependent regulation of ion channels play pivotal roles in neurophysiology and pathology. We continue to investigate the molecular mechanisms of ion channel regulation and their impact on neuronal functions using electrophysiology and fluorescence imaging.